3 Christmas Party Hacks to Keep You Smiling Through Summer!


3 Christmas Party Hacks to Keep You Smiling Through Summer!

With the myriad of gatherings that usually occur throughout December, the pre-Christmas period can be a challenging time to stay healthy. Keeping our teeth is good condition throughout this tempting period is no exception!

So here are 3 Christmas party hacks to avoid the pitfalls of Christmas party excess. 

1. Plan to eat a proper meal

Snacking is the enemy of a well-balanced mouth, so if you are attending an event where it’s only nibbles all night, eat before you go. This doesn’t mean you can’t try some of the delights on offer, but will likely mean you wont need to graze on food all night to get your sustenance.

2. Alternate your beverages

Summer is often the season of adult beverages. Not only are most of these acidic, but alcohol is also dehydrating, leading to reduce saliva flow and protection for your teeth. To avoid the morning after ‘dry mouth’ feeling and associated risk of dental problems, try alternating each alcoholic beverage with a non-alcoholic alternative. Water is the ideal choice and you might want to put something fancy in the glass like cucumber if you’re feeling exotic. Be careful of carbonated drinks or sipping on citrus drinks (such as lemon soda) as these can be sneakily acidic!

3. Try your hand at some sugar free baking

The sugar free alternatives are getting better by the day. Not only do we have some great local suppliers of things like sugar free chocolate, but there are now readily available recipe alternatives to many of our favourite Christmas time treats. By mid-way through December many people have had their fair share of naughty snacks, so bring along a sugar free alternative and watch the compliments flow in!

Cherry ripe slice is a favourite Christmas recipe in our family, but there are lots of healthy twists on things like this that you can check out here. 

To discover more tips about avoiding the sugar overload this Christmas watch this video and learn more about the effects of lifestyle habits on your teeth read Can the Fruit in Sugar Damage my Teeth? or Does Oil Pulling Really Work? We checked out the science.

To book an appointment with our team at Ethical Dental call 6652 3185 or book online.


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