Becoming Sugar Savvy Part 2: Get serious about cereal and think crunch when it comes to lunch


Smart Sugar Switch 2: Get serious about cereal

Many people start the day with some cereal and this can get your day off to a stellar start, or can be a source of sneaky sugars that already puts you into the red on your maximum sugar intake for the day. We all know Fruit Loops and Cocoa Pops aren’t a sugar free haven, but some others may surprise you!

For example: Milo cereal which advertises sports stars on its boxes would lead you to believe it’s a healthy choice, but with 26.9g of sugar per 100g (over 6 teaspoons of sugar), this will already send you over the recommended daily maximum. Many Australian breakfast tables would have had a box of Just Right on them at some point, but what seems like a sensible choice, can harbour some sneaky sugars. With 23g of sugar per 100g of cereal, people may be consuming over 5 teaspoons of sugar for their first meal of the day.

Make the switch! Good old Oats are making a bit of a comeback and rightly so! These have ZERO sugar, heaps of fibre and staying power. Spice things up with some cinnamon or fresh fruit and the day is starting well, without a tonne of added sugars. Look for low sugar granola’s like Be Natural. These have less than 3.4g sugar per 100g, so this is a great alternative to many commercially available muesli options.

Dental bonus tip:

Interdental cleaning (flossing or using an interdental brush or hydro-flush) is an important part of daily hygiene. For many people, this is best done in the morning after breakfast when you are fresh, motivated, and keen on starting the day off on the right foot, rather than when you are tired (or may forget or fall asleep) in the evening.


Smart sugar Switch 3: Think ‘crunch’ when it comes to lunch

The good old sandwich is a bit of a staple of the Australian lunchbox, but it’s also potentially a source of sneaky sugars. Some of the bread options commonly used for sandwiches contain extra sugars that might be the difference between you reaching an exceeding the daily maximum of 6 teaspoons of sugar per day.

For example: Country Life Gluten Free white bread has about 1.25 teaspoons (6%) sugar for 2 slices. Most multigrain breads are lower in sugar than the white alternatives. Also, keep an eye out for fruit loaves, these are the highest in sugar with over 3 teaspoons of sugar in a single slice for some brands.Make the switch!

Have a hankering for peanut butter? Instead of reaching out for the loaf of bread, consider putting this on some carrot or celery. This will not only reduce your sugar intake, but will help to meet your daily dose of veg and fibre.

Want a tuna sandwich? How about a tuna boat instead? Grab some nice fresh lettuce and load it up with your favourite sandwich fillings for a twist on the famous San Choy Bow (Chinese Lettuce Boats). These simple options can be just as satisfying as a sandwich, but will contribute less sugar to your daily total.

Dental bonus tip:

Having a well-planned, substantial lunch might help you to stop snacking throughout the afternoon. This is important from a dental perspective because it is the frequency of food intake that increases the risk of tooth decay (not just what food you have, but how often you snack!

If you are concerned about the impact sugar consumption has on your teeth or would like to book a consultation with Dr. Kate Amos or Dr. Sam Rosehill call 6652 3185 or book online.


Becoming Sugar Savvy Part 3: Curb the cravings and sugar free sweet dreams,


Becoming Sugar Savvy Part 1: Caffeine Considerations