What causes bad breath?


What causes bad breath? And what can you do about it?

The medical name for bad breath is ‘halitosis’. This condition can affect all of us at various stages of life. Sometimes you will not realise you have this condition, but if you do, it can certainly impact on your social interactions and confidence. If you suspect you have bad breath, it is worth checking this out with your dentist. There are some simple common causes of halitosis that are easy to treat. If these simple measures do not address your bad breath, it is important to follow this up, since bad breath can be a sign of other health issues.

Do I need to use mouthwash?

Some of the main dental causes of halitosis include:

  • Food particles in between and around your teeth

  • Plaque (bacteria), or fungus around the teeth or on the tongue

  • Dental caries or decay

  • Periodontal or gum disease

  • Dry mouth

Other common causes of halitosis include:

  • Lifestyle factors; Smoking, drinking coffee

  • Mouth, nose and throat infections

  • Gastric reflux, diabetes, liver or kidney disease

  • Certain pungent foods

Some simple steps to stop bad breath:

  1. Brush twice each day and use an interdental cleaner such as a pixter/floss.

  2. Brush the tongue as well as the teeth and gums

  3. Drink plenty of water and chew chewing gum after meals

Mouthwash is not usually necessary in addition to brushing and flossing your teeth. Most mouthwash should only be used on a short term basis, for example, in the case of a recent infection or wound in the mouth. Mouthwash may disguise bad breath temporarily, but it is also important to treat the cause. For this reason, mouthwash alone is not recommended as a cure for bad breath.

If bad breath persists after you try these simple steps, a visit to your dentist is strongly recommended. If dental causes are not evident, your dentist may refer you to a doctor to ensure other possible health issues are considered.

If you are concerned about the odour of your breath or would like to discuss your oral health needs book a consultation with Dr Kate Amos or Dr Sam Rosehill at Ethical Dental on 6652 3185 or book online.


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Coffs Harbour's Primary Health Network Clinical Council