Fee Schedule

Our Fee Schedule

We have a transparent fee policy. Our fees are published on our website so that our patients can make a fully informed decision. There are hundreds of procedures that we provide, however here are some of the common ones to be able to show you some estimates of what you might expect when attending for care.

Procedure Fee
Comprehensive or periodic examination
Remineralising Treatment
Single Area X-Ray
Full Mouth X-Ray
Cleaning (non-periodontally compromised)
Small Filling
Large Filling
Orthodontics 12 - 24 months
Crown (ceramic crown)

Book an appointment

Make an appointment to discuss your unique dental or restorative needs. We have two locations, Coffs Harbour and Dorrigo.

Please note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risk. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.