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Wisdom Teeth: Eruption and Crowding Myths
Wisdom teeth are something that most of us have to deal with. Usually, they will start coming through between the ages of 18 and 21 give or take a few years, and unfortunately most people don’t have enough room for them to fit comfortably into our mouths and become useful for chewing.

What can I expect from my wisdom teeth surgery?
Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, most commonly between the ages of 17 – 25 years. Because of the process of evolution in humans, our jaw sizes no longer accommodate for all our wisdom teeth in some cases.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth: What to do?
Wisdom teeth are the more common name for the third molars, which are the last adult teeth to come in. They are located at the back of the mouth, two on the top and two on the bottom.

Wisdom Teeth: Blessing or Burden?
For some people, they are just teeth that appear later in life, for others, they cause terrible pain. So, why are some people born without them and why do some people have serious trouble with them?

Did you know, around 85% of wisdom teeth eventually need to be removed?
If you are a young adult, you probably know lots of people who are suffering because of their wisdom teeth. Maybe most of them already have an appointment with a dentist to remove them.
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Make an appointment to discuss your unique dental or restorative needs. We have two locations, Coffs Harbour and Dorrigo.