Can you still have orthodontics if you have a dental implant?


A common question we are asked is; can you still have orthodontics if you have a dental implant?

Braces, or Invisalign can be suitable for most patients, regardless of age. They are used in cases that range from a mild tooth “crowding” to more advanced misaligned bites and jaw relationships. Because orthodontics is widely available, and due to advances in clear aligner technology such as Invisalign, adult orthodontics is now very popular. Because of this, patients are often confused if they are able to have orthodontics if they already have a dental implant.

Dental implants

When teeth are missing, often dental implants are used as replacements. Dental techniques and technology are always improving. As a result we are beginning to see an increase in the number of tooth implants. These are being done in lieu of bridges as tooth replacement options.

A dental implant consists of a small titanium post that is inserted into the jawbone, to which artificial crowns are attached. These implants will look and function as if they are natural teeth. They are popular due to their longevity, as they can last on the average of 25 years. Importantly, a healthy implant will achieve, ossteointegration – which means the implant attaches, and integrates with the jaw bone. This makes a very secure and stable connection.

Orthodontics after dental implants

While dental implants remain immobile, natural teeth maintain the capacity to move without our lives. As we get older, our teeth may begin to drift, become crowded, or overlap. So if this occurs, and realigning these teeth is a priority -- is this possible when an implant is osseointegrated?

The simple answer is; yes. However, certain considerations will determine how this is accomplished.

While dental implants are not designed to move, one solution to this problem is to create a new crown for the implant. This is done in order to improve its alignment after the surrounding teeth have been orthodontically repositioned through the use of braces. Also, an implant could be removed and replaced if necessary, after the orthodontic treatment has been completed. In some cases, an implant can even be left in its original position, should the patient be okay with the somewhat compromised cosmetic results.

Braces prior to dental implants

If orthodontics is necessary or desired, the best scenario involves the use of braces before the placement of a dental implant. This way, you can be assured that your teeth will be in the best possible position prior to the dental implant insertion.

There are even some cases in which braces can be necessary before a dental implant procedure. That’s because a sufficient space may need to be created before the implant will fit properly. In any case, it’s always best to consult with your dentist before making any decisions involving the use of braces in conjunction with a dental implant. This will ensure the healthiest and most pleasingly cosmetic results.

If you would like to make an appointment to discuss orthodontic, or dental implant treatment book a consultation with Dr Kate Amos or Dr Sam Rosehill at Ethical Dental on 6652 3185 or book online.

To find out more check out our articles 'How long does Orthodontic treatment take? and 'Does Orthodontics Hurt?.


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