Did you know... Kids laugh around 400 times a day?


Laughter and smiling go hand in hand as expressions of happiness and joy.

When we see celebrities on TV and in the movies, we can sometimes get the impression that it’s necessary to have a ‘perfect’ smile. But what is perfect?

The true purpose of a good grin is to show others that you’re feeling positive. This is why you’ll see children smile so much when they’re at play or when they're happy. But for some of us, the stress of life can take it's toll. Adults still have plenty of things to laugh about, so why are kids having all the fun?

For an adult, the purpose of a good smile includes the ability of giving a good first impression. It's a form of non-verbal communication that can demonstrate our warmth and friendliness. It can help build rapport, and anyone who has ever 'caught the giggles' knows that this whole process can be infectious. But it's not all fun and games, there is a crucial mental-health component too.

Laughing and smiling effects our mood

While we usually associate a smile with a positive occurrence, a smile can be useful during difficult times. In these situations, a good grin can; relieve stress, improve one’s mood and even play a role in one’s health. That old expression “Smile and the world smiles with you” has more to it than others may realise.

Scientists have discovered that laughter and smiling activates positive neural pathways in the brain. The “feel good” chemicals in our brain; serotonin, endorphins and dopamine are immediately released when we put on that friendly grin. Serotonin works as an antidepressant, while endorphins work as a 100% all-natural, organic pain reliever.

Having the intention to recognise and enjoy the fun parts of life shouldn't be childish. By sharing laughter and smiles, you're not only helping yourself -- you're helping your friends and family too.

How to smile with confidence

Knowing that laughing and smiling can positively effect ourselves, and the people around us is one thing. But having the confidence to show this to the world is another. At Ethical Dental and Orthodontics, we strongly believe that a confident smile comes from within, and we do not recommend specific cosmetic dental treatment unless it is a priority for our patients. 

However, for some people who want their teeth to look as good as they feel, there are many options to create, or recreate a harmonious, confidence-building and healthy smile.

If you would like to discuss your cosmetic dental needs, or if you're interested in smile design book a consultation with Dr Kate Amos or Dr Sam Rosehill at Ethical Dental on 6652 3185 or book online.


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