Did you know...? The average person only brushes for 45 to 70 seconds a day.


The recommended brushing time is 2 minutes!

Everyone knows that brushing teeth is essential for your oral health. But in our busy lives, sometimes finding the time to dedicate to this essential activity can be difficult. There are several different mistakes people make while brushing, but not brushing for long enough is one of the most important.

How long should you brush for?

It is recommended that you brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice daily. This is called the “2 minutes rule”.

What happens if you don't brush?

Not brushing your teeth correctly can cause a number of dental problems. The purpose of brushing is to remove the bacteria in dental plaque from your mouth. These bacteria can cause infections such as periodontitis or gingivitis, and are responsible for tooth decay or dental caries.

The health of our teeth and gums isn't the only concern. Studies show that oral health is linked to a number of general health problems. These include cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, respiratory diseases, diabetes, stroke, and many others.

A scientific study published in the Journal of Periodontology in 2015 looked at the best predictors of oral cleanliness. It found that the length of time spent brushing had the biggest impact.

And what if you brush for longer? Is that bad?

Most dentists agree that brushing for longer is not a problem. The problem is the strength and pressure you use to brush your teeth. A lot of people believe that brushing the teeth really hard will clean them more efficiently. This is not true.

Using too much pressure can cause tooth abrasion, and gum recession. This can lead to cosmetic concerns, tooth sensitivity, and structural weakness in advanced cases. It will also wear out your toothbrush.

So, make sure you are brushing your teeth right and keep healthy. Don’t forget to brush every surface and never use too much pressure. To make sure you are following the “2 minutes rule”, you can use a timer. It can be helpful to break the 2 minute period down into quarters, and then spend 30 seconds on the upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left quadrants to make sure no areas are missed.

If you are concerned about your oral health or have any questions about your dental routine book a consultation with Dr Kate Amos or Dr Sam Rosehill at Ethical Dental on 6652 3185 or book online.

To learn more about positive dental habits check out our article ''Top three tooth saving ‘HACKS’ for busy people'.


Did you know.. Around 59% of oral cancer is caused by smoking?


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